The Door
138 10th Ave Fairbanks Youth Shelter
Current Needs updated as of 3/20/2020
1. Our most critical current need is cash donations. Thank you for thinking of us and for helping kids stay safe.
2. Kid Needs
Hair combs, ties, bands
Girls/women’s underwear in all sizes
Sports Bras – all sizes
Girls ankle socks –
3. Food & Pantry
Clorox Wipes
paper towels
Dishwashing detergent (not for dishwashers)
Ramen & Cup Noodles
Frozen Juice Concentrate
Costco, Fred Meyer or Walmart gift cards for groceries please….and Thank You!
watercolor paper for painting
Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living
726 26th Ave
They need activities for women and children. Also Bottles, formula and diapers for the babies.
See A Need, Fill A Need
This is a forum where you can ask for help and where you can fill a need. This group is community driven, everybody's voice matters. Help your neighbors and friends by giving a hand up, not a hand out.
This is an ongoing page of needs and things that are available in the community.
Fairbanks COVID-19 Supplies Sharing Group
This page has a lot of various needs, who has what and where at the time...
Fairbanks Rescue Mission
723 27th Ave
They are in need of cleaning supplies, board games, activities for children, craft supplies, coloring book, crayons, markers, etc.